Celine Vallot 35th Lorne Cancer Conference 2023

Celine Vallot

Céline Vallot is a group leader at Institut Curie, Paris, FR, since 2017. Her lab works on the dynamics of epigenomes in breast cancer during treatment and the early phases of tumorigenesis. The Vallot lab develops experimental and computational approaches to map histone marks at single-cell resolution, enabling the investigation of the dynamics of chromatin marks in tumor samples (Grosselin et al. Nature Genetics 2019; Prompsy et al. Nature Communications 2020). Most recent advances in the lab: (i) repressive histone methylation conditions the ability of tumor cells to tolerate chemotherapy, combining single-cell epigenomic and transcriptomic approaches to lineage tracing strategies (Marsolier & Prompsy et al., Nature Genetics 2022), (ii) luminal progenitor cells undergo a partial epithelial to mesenchymal transition at the onset of tumorigenesis (Landragin & Saichi, biorxiv 2022). Céline is the recipient of an ERC Starting Grant and has co-founded the Single-Cell Initiative of Institut Curie, a facility enabling the analysis of single cells in space and times at various scales (DNA, RNA, epigenomes, proteins).

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